Flying Trapeze Perth
UPDATE APRIL 2023: It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we must share the news that Flying Trapeze Perth is closing. Due to covid lockdowns and unforeseen life occurrences the business has become collateral damage to the past few years events.We are so sorry to let you all down with sad news, but are so grateful for your understanding and business over the last 6 years in Perth!
Fly with Perth’s only Flying Trapeze School with over 25 years of teaching and performing experience.
The sky really is the limit! Flying Trapeze is our speciality!
An exciting and exhilarating experience for all.
What the mind can perceive, the body will achieve!

Learn the Amazing Art of the Flying Trapeze
Jules Leotard, better known for inventing, well, the leotard of course! He was the innovator behind the creation of the Flying Trapeze. First performing at Cirque Napoleon or Cirque d’Hiver (Winter Circus) in Paris, 12th November 1859.
He later inspired the song ‘That daring young man on the flying trapeze’ in 1867.